Dimension Measured
Example of an Item
Scale Used or Indicator
Educational Attitudes
Reading is one of my favourite leisure activities.
Selected PISA Items
In-house items
Self Esteem
I feel that I’m a person of worth,
at least on an equal plane with others.
Rosenberg (1965)
Grade 8 Grade 10 Grade 11
Educational and Career Aspirations
From the following, indicate the highest level
of education you wish to attain.
In-house items
Teacher Goals
In this subject, my teacher makes a special effort to recognize students’ individual progress, even if they we below grade level.
‘Achievement goals’
Midgley & al. (2000)
Classroom Climate
In this subject, the teacher talks with each student.
‘Individualised classroom environment’
Fraser (1990)
Academic Adjustment
I have been adjusting well to school.
‘Student adaptation to college’
(high school version)
Baker & Siryk (1989)
Career Objectives
I have a field in mind that I want to work in.
‘Career decision profile’
Jones (1989)
Skills Achievement
Indicate to what extent you had to:
find new ideas to develop your assignments.
In-house items inspired by the Education Program (EP) and by the Geneva Study
Disciplinary Knowledge
and Skills
With your school marks in mind for each of the following subjects, indicate how you would rate your performance compared to other students your age.
In-house self-evaluation items
Perception of Skills
In general, I had difficulty doing my assignments well in this subject.
‘Percertions de compétences scolaires’
Losier & al. (1993)
Perception of Utility
I’ll need this course for my future work.
‘ Mathematics attitudes’
Fennema & Sherman (1976)
Academic Motivation
I go to school because I need at least a high-school degree if I want to find a job that pays well later on.
‘The Academic Motivation Scale’
Vallerand et al. (1989)
Educational Progress Data
E.g.: Graduation rate
Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS)
Grade 8 Grade 10 Grade 11
Educational Progress in
the New Training Program2
What science option did you select in Grade 9?
Did you take the Personal Orientation Project (POP) course in Grade 9 or Grade 10?
In-house items inspired by the EP
Grade 8 Grade 10 Grade 11
I have a hard time making decisions.
‘Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety’
Turgeon (1998)
Educational Profile
I like doing homework.
In-house items inspired by the Transition Study
Perception of College Studies
I feel ready to start my college studies.
In-house items inspired by the Transition Study
Solicitation of Services at School
When you were in high school, do you use the following services? If so, to what extent did these services help you better adapt to school?
In-house items
Educational Environment
It is difficult for me to make new friends at school.
In-house items inspired by the Transition Study
Educational Engagement
I pay attention to the teacher.
In-house items inspired by the Transition Study
Social Involvement and Values
When you think about your future, to what extent is it important for you to help your country?
Items taken from the ‘Activités parascolaires et réussite scolaire’ research
Poulin (2007)
Math Skills
Standardized math test, administered by the ERES project
English Skills
Standardized English test, administered by MELS
Grade 8 Grade 10 Grade 11