Project Description The ERES Project - High School, which began in the fall of 2007, involves the follow-up of the students in the sample, parents, school counsellors and school administrators. The students and parents participating in this study were randomly chosen from among all Québec students in one of the following three cohorts:
The first cohort is made up of students who started their high school studies in September 2004 and therefore were not exposed to Education Reform (ER) at the secondary level. These students were, however, partially exposed at the elementary level, in grades 4 and 6. This exposition was nevertheless very limited because these years were periods of experimentation for several schools.
The second cohort is made up of students who started their high school studies in September 2006. It is made up of students who were fully exposed to Education Reform (elementary and high school) and corresponds to the second year of the official implementation of the program at the high school level.
The third cohort is made up of students who started their high school studies in September 2007 and who were therefore exposed to Education Reform at the high school level in the third year of its implementation.
Annual data collection from students and their parents is planned from spring 2008 to winter 2012 (8 collections); these data are gathered from questionnaires.
Members of school staff were asked to take part in this study if one student from any of the three cohorts attended their school. Data from school administrators and school counsellors collected from spring 2008 to winter 2012 (4 collections) are gathered from online questionnaires.
Summary Table of Measurement Times for Families (parents and students) and School Staff (school administrators and school counsellors)