Questionnaire and Indicators

The dimensions evaluated for students are shown below:


Dimension Measured

Example of an Item

Scale Used or Indicator

Characteristics When Entering College

Were you accepted in college before

you had all credits you needed

for your high school diploma?

In-house Items

Academic Adjustment

I’m adapting well to college.

‘ Student adaptation to college’

Baker & Siryk (1989)

Academic and Social Skills

I waste a lot of time before talking with my teacher when I have problems understanding something.

‘Test of Reactions and Adaptations in College’

Larose (1991)

Cognitive Engagement

I follow the instructions I am given.

Items inspired by the works of Barbeau et al. (1997)

Perception of Skills

I have trouble doing assignments well in this subject.

‘Percertions de compétences scolaires’

Losier & al. (1993)

Perception of Utility

I’ll need this course for my future work.


‘Mathematics attitudes’

Fennema & Sherman (1976)

Academic Motivation

I’m going to college so I’ll be able to work in a field I like later on.

‘The Academic Motivation Scale’

Vallerand et al. (1989)

Teacher Goals

In this subject, my teacher makes a special effort to recognize students’ individual progress

‘Achievement goals’

Midgley & al. (2000)

Classroom Climate

My teachers vary their methods of evaluation.

In-house Items

Student Learning Goals

It is important for me to improve my skills this year.

‘Patterns of adaptive learning’

Midgley (2000)


Progress Data

E.g.: Success rate for the 1st session


Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS)